Summary Draft 1

The article “What are Solar Light Panels and how do they work” from The Economic Times, Rise (Team Product Line, 2019) Both residential and commercial lighting uses solar light panels. Photovoltaic (PV) modules are used to create solar light panels. High-quality crystalline silicon solar cells typically make up these PV modules. Using PV cells, light energy from the sun can be transformed into electrical energy that can be used immediately or stored for future use. 

In terms of features, Solar light panels are extremely durable and only gradually degrade. Over the course of a full year, these panels' effectiveness drops by just 2% or less. Solar panels do not produce harmful greenhouse gases, reducing the reliance on traditional power sources and fossil fuels and helping the environment. Individual solar or PV cells can generate electricity on their own and are constructed of semiconductor materials, such as silicon. PV cells can range in length from a few millimetres to several inches and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. PV modules, which can be several feet long and a few feet wide, are created by combining PV cells. The PV modules can be combined to create PV arrays of various shapes and power outputs. The needs of the users and the amount of sunlight in the location where the arrays are installed determine the size of the arrays. PV modules, electrical connections, mounting hardware, power conditioning equipment, and batteries for storing the generated electricity make up the solar light panel system. 


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