Summary Reader Response Draft #3

In the article, “What are Solar Light Panels” from Economic Times, Team ProductLine (2019) discussed that solar light panels are utilised for residential and commercial lighting. Photovoltaic (PV) modules, encompassing high-quality crystalline silicon solar cells, are used to create solar light panels. With these PV cells, light energy from the sun can be transformed into electrical energy to be utilised or stored. In terms of features, solar light panels are extremely durable and will only degrade gradually. According to the article, the adequacy of these panels decreases by just 2% or less after one full year. Moreover, not only do solar panels reduce the dependability of conventional power sources and fossil fuels, but they also do not produce deleterious greenhouse gases. PV cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can range in length from a few millimetres to several inches. These cells are combined to create PV modules that can be up to a “few feet wide and several feet long” as stated in the article (paragraph 7, 2019). The article iterates multiple applications of solar light panels which can be utilized for everyday household items such as calculators, portable batteries and flashlights. In my opinion, solar light panels are the ideal choice of clean energy as they are portable, relatively low maintenance, and versatile. 

The portability of solar light panels is one of the features that makes them ideal. Solar light panels are available in a variety of shapes, ranging from foldable ones that are the size of a suitcase to flexible, rug-like ones that can be rolled up for storage and unrolled to be used in almost any outdoor setting (Bortin, 2023). They can be used to charge devices while camping and to power small appliances in RVs (Bortin, 2023). This portability improves the sustainability of outdoor activities for end users as they can now avert to renewable and clean energy sources as compared to conventional energy sources (Keller, 2019). In addition, end users will be able to save money, weight load, and cargo space as portable solar power panels do not require external fuel(Bortin, 2023), therefore lightening the workload of the end user. Thus, being portable and lightweight, these solar panels become pragmatic for end users to enjoy their activities more sustainably.  

Solar light panels often require relatively little upkeep, primarily due to the system's lack of mechanical parts (Namaste Solar, 2018). In fact, the inverter in solar panels, which is normally replaced after the system has been functioning for about 15 years, is the only component in need of maintenance (Namaste Solar, 2018). Thus with this cost-saving feature in hand, end users will have peace of mind as they are not required to conduct regular maintenance and purchase of new parts. 

In addition, solar light panels are versatile due to their ability to perform and harness energy without the constant need for direct sunlight. According to (Discover Solar Power, 2022), in order to create the most electricity, solar light panels work best when they are directly exposed to the sun. However, they can still produce electricity on overcast or shaded days. This can also be seen in places such as the Faroe Islands, where a record average of only 2.4 hours of sunshine per day and 840 hours per year, is currently ranked among the cloudiest places on the planet (World Atlas, 2019) has made it official that they have installed solar light panels (Hanssen & Streymoy, Eysturoy and Vágar (SEV), 2020)  as one of the steps towards the goal of producing 100% green energy by 2030 (Hanssen, 2020). Hence, with this ability, users would have assurance and the freedom to place their solar light panels anywhere outdoors without the worry of the weather causing the solar light panel to function, making them ideal. 

Despite all of its advantages, solar light panels have certain disadvantages - one of which is their steep upfront cost. Depending on the size of the building and the number of panels required, the initial cost of installing solar panels on the rooftop of your home or place of business may range from $15,000 to $25,000 or more (Santee Cooper, 2020). In addition, in a context like Singapore, additional factors such as space constraint and a competitive electrical market would contribute to a higher cost of solar light panels being installed (Andrews, 2021).  

In conclusion, solar light panels still remain the ideal source of clean energy as they are portable, versatile, and low maintenance despite their high initial cost. They offer a workable response to the energy dilemma by making it possible for everybody, wherever they may be, to have access to safe, dependable, and clean renewable energy, making them an important step in the world's transition to a greener and more sustainable future. 


Andrews, P. (2021, February 7). Commentary: Why hasn't solar energy in Singapore taken off in a big way after so long? CNA. 

Bortin, J. (2023, January 19). 2023's Best Portable Solar Panels. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from 

Discover Solar Power. (2022, August 9). Do Solar Panels Need Direct Sunlight? (Tips to Boost Efficiency). Discover Solar Power. 

Hanssen, L. (2020, 01 15). Faroese Energy – On the Sustainability Track. Faroe Islands. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from 

Hanssen, L., & Streymoy, Eysturoy and Vágar (SEV). (2020, January 15). First solar panel park in Faroe Islands activated. Faroe Islands. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from 

Keller, J. (2019, May 15). Why Portable Renewable Energy Storage Systems are Essential to Disaster Relief. Investing News Network. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from 

Mekhilaf, S., Safari, A., Mustaffa, W.E.S., Saidur, R., Omar, R., & Younis, M.A.A. (2012). Solar energy in Malaysia: Current state and prospects,. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,, 16(1), 386-396. 

Parkman, K. (2022, September 21). 10 Solar Energy Pros and Cons. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from 

Santee Cooper. (2020, October 20). Is Solar Energy Actually Cost Effective? Santee Cooper. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from 

World Atlas. (2019, May 16). The Cloudiest Cities in the World - WorldAtlas. World Atlas. Retrieved February 13, 2023, from 


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